Congratulations to ASLOK XXI Grofaz Champion Bob Bendis!
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MANEUVERS offers a chance for "newbie" and inexperienced ASLers to learn the Art of ASL from a certified "ASL Grognard", "Wild Bill" .  "Wild Bill" not only has thousands of ASL scenarios under his belt, but is an experienced teacher and ASL rules maven.

The idea of MANEUVERS is to allow newer players to gain experience in a friendly environment where an ASL expert can offer hints, tips and tricks for better play along with ensuring proper ASL rules are followed.  MANEUVERS will be ASL Starer Kit (ASLSK ) friendly if requested.

Players can preregister for MANEUVERS on Tuesday or Friday (see page 6 of the ASLOK flyer ) by requesting a time convenient for them.  They can also put in a query with "Wild Bill" once at ASLOK if they decide they need a touch up on some finer point of the game.  "Wild Bill" can always be found working the night shift at the ASLOK front desk and has been known to "educate" a newbie willing to stay up into the wee hours of the night for ASL gunning...

If you feel you're too new at ASL for ASLOK, you're wrong.  Take advantage of MANEUVERS to fine tune your ASL game.  See Bill's treatise on a fictional Newbie Experience at ASLOK for some ideas on what a good time can be had by all.

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